00:00:02 But you can't tell that I haven't. 00:00:12 OK, we're good. OK. 00:00:16 So calling this needed order at 602. 00:00:23 Do we have any guests that we need to introduce something? It's just just us. 00:00:29 OK, you want to do. 00:00:30 The rest Hanson. 00:00:39 OK. 00:00:44 Right. 00:00:46 Questions provide public comment like that state their name. 00:00:49 Acknowledge they've read. 00:00:50 The note about. 00:00:55 The earth will. 00:00:56 Cars will drop by means of rainwater. 00:01:01 Speakers and visitors are expected to provide comments in a respectable manner, presiding officer and the speaker, considered to be disrespectful. That person may be warned or asked to see the comment every day. Non compliance. 00:01:16 Can be spoken. 00:01:16 Or written chapter products. Ask questions about. 00:01:23 To that public comments. 00:01:37 Is there anybody here for public comment? 00:01:41 Seeing none, we'll move on to the. 00:01:44 Thanks, Allison. We didn't introduce any. Yes, but we want to introduce ourselves. 00:01:49 Introduce ourselves. Yeah, we'll do. 00:01:50 That OK. I'm Glenda Montgomery. I'm a patient advocate and physical therapist assistants. And I have two kiddos, one who's graduated from Aikens and one. 00:02:00 Is a junior. 00:02:03 Hi, I'm Suzanne burns. I'm a writer from the. 00:02:06 Work of that agency and. 00:02:07 I've got a daughter. Who I. 00:02:09 Am arriving to College in Rochester starting up tomorrow morning. 00:02:14 To be like so. 00:02:15 Happy tonight and I've got a son who is. 00:02:18 Starting to eat great. 00:02:24 Go coach. 00:02:39 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 00:02:43 I think the wire I graduated. 00:02:45 Lawson and social worker. I've got an eighth grader at middle school and it's a sophomore at college and I just started working here. 00:03:02 No one thinks it's a complex but. 00:03:04 What I talked about that. 00:03:07 I would know. 00:03:16 Good evening. I'm anti, I'm retired educator for 34 years. 00:03:37 I'm please I am a an AIC parent. I have a school. 00:03:45 Y'all, when I started the shot and now I have. 00:03:50 A question. 00:03:50 Of awesome. 00:03:51 And and I have 8:00 and bigger average and and so sometimes I I jump in on things I don't be rude, but I really. 00:04:04 When I came. 00:04:05 Up on to this city. 00:04:05 We had a lot of problem compliance. 00:04:08 And lawsuits and. 00:04:09 So I'm not being picky, I'm just trying to. 00:04:15 I'm Gina Miller and I am the health and Wellness coach. My specialty is mission, getting parents and families about protecting the health. 00:04:25 And I have. 00:04:35 On the agenda for. 00:04:39 Hi my name is pronounced I am. 00:04:45 Currently senior at Walsa. 00:04:54 I have to be here. 00:04:55 We're really. 00:04:56 Glad to have you. 00:05:00 Hi from justifiably I am in in education. 00:05:06 Policy. That's my background. 00:05:07 And and I have two preschoolers and we'll. 00:05:12 They'll be attending. 00:05:17 I'm Stephanie, heavier on. 00:05:19 The health education curriculum specialist here at the. 00:05:21 District and I had. 00:05:24 1 graduated out of AIC and one junior. 00:05:30 Pat Warner, the helping director for the district District Shack. 00:05:36 So my. 00:05:36 Question to you is does Robin. 00:05:38 Need to go through the entire roster, she. 00:05:40 Has record of. 00:05:40 News here? Who's not here since we. 00:05:42 Know we have a quorum. Is that necessary? 00:05:44 I think because they always went through it. 00:05:48 So I don't know if that's. 00:05:49 The and. Do you mind introducing yourself to? 00:05:52 Robin Smith, I'm the administrative. 00:05:54 Assistant for health and PE for PAT and Stephanie. 00:05:57 And yeah, can't wait to learn about. 00:06:00 This so. 00:06:08 All the members sign in, yeah. 00:06:13 That is, that is part of the open record and so we don't have to go through that because it. 00:06:21 Was really formal. 00:06:22 And that was very formal about stuff like that too. So you are welcome to do it. 00:06:28 Makes you feel good about yourself and good about your forum. That's great, but the actual official record is might be. 00:06:34 OK. 00:06:35 And speaking notes, but I should. 00:06:37 Note that would be helpful. 00:06:39 Like sometimes it's like so I don't know how many, 717. Yeah. So then our then our forum is 9 and so we are like. 00:06:47 So 945. 00:06:55 For more than 9. 00:06:58 We were 11 so usually. 00:07:00 When I was doing this. 00:07:01 I was like 11 at night. 00:07:03 So perform. 00:07:08 So we have some minutes to approve. Did they get a chance to review those? 00:07:12 From the April meeting. 00:07:17 Over here, if you copy so we need to copy. 00:07:33 Do you? 00:07:34 Have a problem. 00:08:06 Everybody have a second. 00:08:22 Was not present too much that's wrong. 00:08:27 We need to we need to fix that, no? 00:08:31 Yeah, because we would have a problem anyway. It's it's not a substantive change. 00:08:45 Right there. 00:08:45 And so long year too. Thank you. 00:08:50 It does, and I was wondering. 00:08:51 Why? I was like like ohh he's like. 00:08:52 I saw Dolly's name on. 00:08:53 There in the inside. 00:08:55 I I thought I saw it work. I saw it and I was like. 00:08:58 I didn't look at him. 00:09:03 If you're making changes that was not present. 00:09:07 I'm not. 00:09:09 No, this is from the wrong year, it's. 00:09:15 No. Oh, this is actually the main years. 00:09:22 The people who brought it home. 00:09:24 OK. 00:09:25 OK, got it. 00:09:26 Should I run and make proper review the April? 00:09:28 Does anybody else need? 00:09:31 That are not. 00:09:32 Included, right? 00:09:39 It was e-mail. 00:09:41 If you read that e-mail. 00:09:57 I need the table back. We have copies and everybody can. 00:10:01 Get their thing is, is there a second table? 00:10:04 He's doing our. 00:10:05 There you go, Mary. 00:10:07 She's doing our update. 00:10:09 Yeah, but we're because we try to go by. 00:10:11 The by the order. 00:10:12 No, I understand. But she's doing. 00:10:14 The next thing. 00:10:15 So right, so So what we what we did is what Mary and I just did is that. 00:10:20 We said like, hey, we'll come back to this. 00:10:23 So like when we said. 00:10:24 We're going to people that. 00:10:25 No, I. 00:10:26 Kind of like the next part. Ohh it's like. 00:10:27 Is not going to. 00:10:33 I was like, OK, go ahead. 00:10:42 Actually sent the right person to make copies it. 00:10:45 Was just bad. 00:10:50 See her working. Yeah, she's working hard. 00:10:53 OK. Well, while we're waiting, did anybody with the furthest this summer? 00:11:02 We just came back from 2 weeks in the Rocky Mountain National Park where I had two, three children living my best friend and I almost killed all of them at least twice. My car was flooded and it's a lot of adventures and I lost two seconds. Oh my goodness, so. 00:11:06 Oh wow. 00:11:22 Yeah, always, always an adventure. 00:11:25 They happy, but those amazing we made it to the Washington Post. Oh, that's about 30 degrees less. So anytime I see people. 00:11:47 Thank you for copying for us. We can. 00:11:50 Be friends in 2023. 00:12:01 No, we'll be sure. 00:12:34 Is this the one you were saying you actually? 00:12:36 Were intended for, yeah. 00:12:38 Towards the end. 00:12:40 And they didn't have those. We didn't have them. 00:13:09 I didn't do the very update then there wasn't. 00:13:11 A whole lot. 00:13:11 More, but I do have a very update now. 00:13:18 Yeah, we're ready to. 00:13:31 Perfect meeting all those all in favor. 00:13:38 Are there any abstentions for? 00:13:42 That's OK, that's OK. 00:13:43 Just got to get that down specifically. 00:13:48 Does anybody else not heard the shot last year? 00:14:01 OK. 00:14:04 So we are ready for our. 00:14:07 District. OK. Do you Are you ready to do health services? Yeah. 00:14:14 I have a report from. 00:14:16 Alina and her office for Health Services. 00:14:20 And I'm going to read directly from what they sent me as proof by IFC Board of trustees. Our school district is beginning the process of bringing to campus. 00:14:27 Health group staff. 00:14:27 Back in health, as such, the 23202324 school year will consist of AIC, school nurses and health group assistants at the high school. Currently they have they are fully staffed. 00:14:42 High school, the eating and health care contractor will be covering the middle school. Essential seating contractor will be elementary schools and rose. 00:14:53 The AIC Fentanyl Awareness campaign has a new home. The Bond Emergency Management director, in conjunction with the Board of trustees, will be spearheading the district response with the help of district and community subject matter experts, the health services and Nursing Department will continue lending assistance on the. 00:15:10 Request of the. 00:15:10 Board's COVID-19. 00:15:12 The state reportable condition in Texas and the district will continue asking campuses to report to our Department of Health Services these that are filed and submitted to website managers for the weekly District dashboard and reported to. 00:15:25 Us in public health. 00:15:31 Does anybody have any questions or thoughts or feedback? 00:15:35 Middle schools being contracted out. 00:15:38 It's a roll in. I'm answering for health services. I will ask that directly and get us a report from them, but they it's my understanding that they're rolling it in, they. 00:15:47 Started high school. 00:15:53 It's just curiosity. 00:15:55 I don't need a formal answer, I accept. 00:16:00 And the concern that we had raised by parents of trans kids over the summer was the confidentiality carried through with whoever is on campuses managing that information in the first office, because there have been lawsuits in CBS cases. 00:16:20 That started with that information being taken from the school, so we just want to be. 00:16:25 Really on top of it. Hello. Hello. 00:16:30 Sorry, sorry. Welcome, welcome. 00:16:33 We just showed the health services update. 00:16:36 So if we. 00:16:37 Can get a follow up on that. That would be great. Specifically that and. 00:16:45 I mean it's it's a healthcare provider. HIPAA is like. 00:16:51 So it's like. 00:16:54 There's actually not much trying to get feedback from people. 00:16:59 Who are trying? 00:17:00 Make a clause and protection to provide extra care and reproductive rights and trans rights because they just said it was a Vanderbilt where they just they claim it was a billing issue. 00:17:13 And they took all this information from. I don't really know what's called personal medical information. They, especially those who have received other services. 00:17:26 So it's not guaranteed. 00:17:30 Well, and I mean Adele, that wasn't closed down. So that means that people are necessarily, in theory having access to that information that are not provided to the medical providers like go. So it's like we want to make sure that all of the information is cared for in Austin and general High. 00:17:49 But also specifically state Attorney General. 00:17:56 20 something states that are attorney general's wrong, like latter part of the halls, and like 12 passes, I have more accurate number. But they wrote letters saying that they want to be able to. 00:18:00 OK. 00:18:15 Information so they can enforce the law. 00:18:19 So international cannot get another corporation. I'm sorry, that's just not the. 00:18:23 Way it works and they did it in Vanderbilt. 00:18:23 Don't have it, you. 00:18:24 Know do. 00:18:26 You know you. 00:18:27 Know how you did it? Just like he so he has. 00:18:30 He has four CPS to provide a report of everybody exchange marker on. 00:18:35 The service. 00:18:39 We got to protect our kids. 00:18:40 And we got to make sure that we are. 00:18:42 Buttoned up nicely, yeah. 00:18:44 I would love to. 00:18:47 To have that kind of stuff within the educational records and you have provided, but I don't have the best argument. 00:18:58 You know, but. 00:18:59 He wants the information. He's. 00:19:00 Going to get. 00:19:07 Yeah, but at least purple. 00:19:08 Like that's that is federal, you know like. 00:19:11 That's that's a little bit stronger, you know for that. 00:19:19 It is anything about films about the health services. 00:19:36 I don't know. 00:19:39 No, no, no. It was just given by that. You can also throw in whatever. 00:19:45 Was anything mentioned about the services? 00:19:49 And I and. 00:19:49 I they asked that question about like why the middle schoolers are are like out and then rolling through it. So when when middle schools get? 00:20:01 Yeah, I think they just posted like. 00:20:16 Not so many healthcare or yeah, mental healthcare. 00:20:21 From a vendor that was providing nursing services from middle school. 00:20:25 And it has not seen that they were. 00:20:27 Able to provide. 00:20:27 That so it looks like. 00:20:33 And so the middle schools. 00:20:34 Do not have nurses right now. 00:20:38 I can't comment on that for sure, but I it's. 00:20:40 My understanding that it's funny. 00:20:43 What I have from Elena is that they will. 00:20:45 That healthcare will be providing it. That's done. So we want to ask a specific question to what we asked. 00:20:58 I mean the question would be when is middle? 00:21:00 School going to. 00:21:00 Be fully staffed. 00:21:04 They currently have coverage. 00:21:14 Like someone called the mark. 00:21:16 Middle school thing. 00:21:23 But yeah, I I didn't hear that. 00:21:30 That's why I was like, why is the? 00:21:32 Middle school but. 00:21:33 It's partly because. 00:21:46 Yes, ma'am. 00:21:47 Give me news about. 00:21:49 What the contract looks like, the third party that since you have been done previously in districts and to like what success and how they work in other districts have? 00:22:04 The contract for like 25 years. 00:22:07 That and then recently district last year. 00:22:12 Went out for RFP. 00:22:14 And changed it and said that they wanted. 00:22:15 To schools and middle schools. 00:22:20 You know, this isn't this is new territory. 00:22:23 Having like mental healthcare, being vendors and it's not anyone that they've ever dealt with before, it's my understanding this is. 00:22:35 The fourth time that we have heard. 00:22:40 A contract for services. 00:22:43 Promote mental health was lost, so we have limited healthcare. Remote and health was before that the the doctors that Tracy was. 00:22:49 Crazy about romance. 00:22:50 And then before that it was test me people that were going to do strep tests. 00:23:01 But there's literally been. 00:23:09 In in my short. 00:23:11 Just to follow up on that, I would just be curious about regarding the privacy conversations that we were holding previously, what their obligations to their pointer versus AIC and whether? 00:23:25 We have the. 00:23:26 Committee or the district established particular guidelines. 00:23:32 Third party contractor would be. 00:23:34 Obligated to. 00:23:42 Yeah. And especially if they're out of state, yeah. 00:23:46 You know I. 00:23:47 Don't think it's? I don't think it's very. 00:23:52 Transparent on the tissue is hard. Exactly how this being provided sort of being presented that. 00:23:57 We're having the versus elementary, middle and high school, but exactly how that's executing, right? So yeah, assumption that we're just. 00:24:17 I think The thing is. 00:24:18 That we're always busy people, always. 00:24:24 Yes. And so this is all new. 00:24:29 Contractually, new ground and ethically ground legal medium ground, I mean like I think this is something that. 00:24:34 We may want to. 00:24:35 Come back to. 00:24:37 We're going to. 00:24:43 It's it's a huge deal in terms of how your services are. 00:24:46 Provided so it. 00:24:47 Would be good to get perhaps a direct update from our student health services about exactly how we're going. 00:24:57 And what the challenges have been, yeah. Well, I want to know if in the middle schools there aren't nurses. 00:25:03 They're providing care at the. 00:25:04 Moment. Who is? I think there might be some system I I don't know. I think they're patching together everywhere. Yeah. So even Ascension, you know? 00:25:16 As their staff and whatnot, but it's been difficult to. 00:25:23 So yeah, well in healthcare, right? 00:25:40 OK. 00:25:41 And I was like. 00:25:45 Oh, work. 00:25:50 Yep, doctor. Well, don't worry. Thank you. 00:25:54 OK. 00:25:57 Did that health services update also include the fentanyl? 00:25:59 Update or is. 00:26:00 That a separate I'll update was. I read that just send it moved over to emergency, then there was nothing else provided. 00:26:07 OK. I I did hear that. 00:26:10 Mentioned, I just didn't know. 00:26:11 If there was also an additional. 00:26:13 Update do you have more clarification on? 00:26:14 Like what being in government? 00:26:21 And it's still managed by us AIC. 00:26:26 It's not being contracted out. 00:26:28 They went to the emergency. 00:26:32 It's still out. 00:26:38 Yeah, and and and we're coming and. 00:26:40 I know at last we talked about. 00:26:41 The the expiration date issues because. 00:26:46 Yeah, somebody because some of our boxes like. 00:26:50 In the middle of like. 00:26:53 I don't think I can. 00:26:53 See Sunrise does and. 00:26:55 That kind of thing. 00:26:56 Talking like this is something I learned, really I was. 00:26:58 Like, well, you're right. 00:26:59 Well, like the mobile teams and like sunrise has them in a box, but yeah. 00:27:07 But yes, that was one of the things that somebody had brought up, like, oh, next year we remind them that these were all. 00:27:14 I think you have them on their in their. 00:27:18 Or yeah I. 00:27:19 Don't know if it's actually on the physical body, but I don't think it's. 00:27:24 No, we're about to get. 00:27:29 OK. 00:27:33 UM. 00:27:38 OK, mental health update. 00:27:41 I reached out to Violence's office about providing a monthly health update. Yay, did not get a response for that has committed her department to continue the October presentation OK. 00:27:56 So to them I met this summer with Pat and felt like there's so much intersectionality with mental health support and so many other. 00:28:05 Issues and I see. 00:28:07 If we can have mental health support and have it be. 00:28:12 Just sweet. 00:28:14 Uber offered, just like wanted, like just you. 00:28:21 Get it out there and you get. 00:28:22 It all right. 00:28:24 Yeah, that we can take a stance regarding the schools. 00:28:34 Change where they don't replace those, but it's still rewarded. They provide support services and people be fund. 00:28:42 Like we, we can like take a stance as he's not going to be voting for that, but maybe I'm not sure, but stand on. Who truly is providing here and working with children, addressing certain homes, legislating what topic? 00:29:01 Discuss with the children. 00:29:03 That would fall under mental health services. And who could buy that later on the building and? 00:29:11 Where they can provide those support services and there was a bill passed 2 sessions ago. 00:29:19 No. Yeah, no. 00:29:20 I I. 00:29:20 The whole thing about money and funding and say going towards mental health services and here we are now redirecting school safety and getting that money. 00:29:30 The options that people could get ordained in 48 hours, who aren't trained and licensed to provide services, and I think it's a topic that shouldn't just be. 00:29:44 We get. 00:29:45 You know, medical health professionals involved and not just like parents were concerned for whatever clear what all the reasons are. But you know, this is how you start getting things like converting therapy into the schools because you don't have a ban on that. Right. So wondering if it's possible to set a president we're able to take a stance to create. 00:30:05 Paper. Just how they are doing 1 Environmental Committee for us, but like if we're able to do something like that to really make it clear position on what we define as mental health care. 00:30:21 OK, so I hear you. I've been at the capital last two years. Yeah. Fighting for the stuff, and it's all trickling down. September 1st, along with stuff that's coming. Yeah. 00:30:31 We are the shack. 00:30:33 But we have to remember that we don't want to cry wolf about all the things, or I think the message will get. 00:30:40 Watered down into a way that like it's it's. 00:30:42 Not as impactful. So I'm hearing you on this 100%, I'm. 00:30:45 Hearing you, but I think we also need to understand there's a lot of other things that are just as impactful that I think we need to. 00:30:54 I think. 00:30:55 I disagree. I think this is top of the line like what are we seeing as mental healthcare and how do we make? 00:30:59 Sure, it's getting that. 00:31:00 Access being replaced. 00:31:12 In this situation, before where we have. 00:31:14 And like, really, really helping amazing. 00:31:18 Things sometimes and that. 00:31:21 Off the people of the capital in a way that I mean like I you guys. 00:31:25 I have literally. 00:31:26 Been the subject of the Senate Finance hearing. 00:31:29 OK. 00:31:31 They have made laws to change policy. They have made laws specifically against policy. 00:31:36 That we've acted as. 00:31:39 OK, we were the 1st and the school district and state. You go and get that. We fought it from parenthood. It was a great program. What did they remember? 00:31:54 Oh yeah. 00:31:55 You're there. 00:31:56 And so I think that. 00:31:58 We do want to give guidance and we want to be in a way that is wanted so that there are. 00:32:09 Not a ton of red flags flying everywhere. We want to be like, meaningful and impactful, but I mean. 00:32:17 Like I don't want anymore. 00:32:18 Go those over to my house. 00:32:20 But can we take a stance? Maybe they can for. 00:32:22 Some examples see about. 00:32:23 Stance on where the boat should. 00:32:25 Go. So that's what I'm saying is we need to really just focus and hone what our message is and who we are as the shack and what we want to take on is us this year and diversify going and testifying at the board meetings, that kind of thing. So we we just tackle it. 00:32:41 As as we. 00:32:41 Can the mountain of the things that we. 00:32:44 Are all against at this point. 00:32:46 To make sure that they're all. 00:32:48 Hurt because I don't want us to just write letters like crazy and it just not be received in the same with the same half as it should be. I'm with you. This is not great. This cannot stand. But I'm just saying that there's a hundred other things. Maybe not quite 100, but a lot that we need to also tackle. And so my concern. 00:33:08 Are concerned be concerned is that it gets. 00:33:12 Is is how to do? 00:33:13 It and how to do it? Well, that's, that's what. 00:33:16 In a way that is the sea well. 00:33:19 Well, they have to take a phone on there so anyways. And that something has something about the school board trustees. Every district has until March 24th or whatever to take a vote if they will authorize district commissions to allow access to the school, provide these support services both as employees or as. 00:33:40 As volunteers, but also has another implication for these are school safety funding, possibly federal granting reporting these, I mean, there's only other thing, but because that the school board has to take a vote, right, this would be almost separate thing. Just like when it's on their agenda when they're taking a vote and stampings and just about one meeting specific to like when they. 00:33:58 Plan on making that vote. 00:33:59 I think you should go to every meeting. 00:34:01 Between now and March and speak on that. 00:34:04 As Shack members, but individually not as a shack together, writing a letter, the level is different. You. 00:34:11 Know what I mean? 00:34:12 And I think that we can bundle. 00:34:14 Couple of these things under you know, stack recommendations for mental for student mental health. You need legislative session. 00:34:21 You know, but. 00:34:25 I mean y'all I've. 00:34:26 Been to some really ugly losses last. 00:34:27 Year and it's just it's just. 00:34:29 Really, really ugly out there. 00:34:32 And I would talk more about that. 00:34:33 Not like confidentiality and stuff like that. 00:34:37 But I have. 00:34:40 I represent people who are getting like bodily, who is nails in. 00:34:43 The house, who? Who are? 00:34:46 People are being followed, people are being. 00:34:49 I mean, it's docks that. Yeah, so it. 00:34:58 Like what kind of? 00:35:01 I have. 00:35:04 I'm wondering if what I'm. 00:35:06 I'm I just want to see if. 00:35:07 I'm clarifying because I think what I'm hearing from you, Melinda and. 00:35:10 And from both of you is. 00:35:12 I I think there are certain. 00:35:13 Things that we kind. 00:35:15 Of feel. We feel confident that our board. 00:35:17 Is maybe going to not. 00:35:19 Approve and then and and then and you're kind of. 00:35:23 Along that vein, what are the things that? 00:35:25 Are important for us to voice again like and what point? 00:35:29 Does it kind of. 00:35:31 Help for the shacks. Ways to be a part of that. If the board is already going to vote against it when we can put. 00:35:37 Our voice and. 00:35:38 Things that maybe we don't quite know where the check is. 00:35:40 Going to be. 00:35:41 That's what I'm kind of. 00:35:42 Hearing. That's what. That's what I'm that's. 00:35:45 What I'm kind of thinking. 00:35:47 Right down in my head. 00:35:48 Single board member. 00:35:50 No, not one who would vote. 00:35:52 For that one. But that's like that as well. I would still think that. 00:36:01 We need to be on the board meetings. 00:36:05 Saying or not support for doing them because they're. 00:36:10 Really, plenty of other people. 00:36:11 Who are working? 00:36:12 To support and so you just don't want. 00:36:14 To do nothing. 00:36:16 So definitely, I think we're raising the. 00:36:19 Miss about it and putting the time stamp on it and saying. 00:36:21 That that's not. 00:36:25 That should be something that we we have a legal. 00:36:28 And you want to say something about. 00:36:29 I know. 00:36:33 Great question. I mean one I think I would agree job just answer as a new person that. 00:36:38 I wouldn't even. 00:36:40 You know they. 00:36:41 Have an old policy, but I also understand that you know collective. 00:36:53 We said it. 00:36:53 Needs to. 00:36:57 To prioritize how we use, so I just was curious about that you mentioned 3 for example, right, whether we would be able to committees make a list of things, some of the top you know I know there are so many discussions especially. 00:37:16 Top of this session and prioritize and distribute responsibility. Three, I would assume is more closely aligned those safety, although I totally understand. 00:37:36 Yeah, I'm wondering like how. 00:37:38 To capture that here without wasting this time. 00:37:41 Oh, we're going there. Don't you worry. 00:37:45 I mean, what can we do a Google doc to to capture information? Can we do a survey internally? Yes. 00:37:52 OK, so I don't know what that looks like. Again, we're here with. 00:37:57 This we're going to be. 00:37:58 We had talked about passing around one of these cards, so if anybody wanted to anonymous, maybe even the things that that, yeah, felt that they weren't in a safe place to say it out loud that we could, that people can, I just feel like if somebody in the room doesn't have a feeling. 00:38:10 It around. 00:38:18 Like this is something we need to defend. Then it's going to be harder to, you know, right. Right. Rally the the folks. 00:38:25 So it needs to be somebody, yeah, so. 00:38:29 What's that? Yeah. 00:38:31 I would rather not. 00:38:32 Say anything at this point, if I'm just sitting back here too, but I think Cynthia is great. You've got a very. 00:38:38 Sympathetic word at this point. 00:38:39 Right. I think that the more they know. 00:38:42 Positions that you have. 00:38:45 You can articulate those and. 00:38:47 Articulate them in in emails and not to check down. You know what you can collectively do as. 00:38:55 I would get some legal advice. 00:38:58 About that, before you move forward in the committee to make sure we do. 00:39:03 Have a very hostile. 00:39:05 But I do think that's something we should probably. 00:39:07 Have maybe at the bottom of the. 00:39:09 Minutes for every meeting, for all the things. 00:39:10 That we do. 00:39:11 Feel are important. The instructions for how. 00:39:14 To participate in this. 00:39:18 That is one of the things that we allow to have a lot of feelings and don't necessarily, you know, these parents don't know what to do or how to do it. So we. 00:39:25 Could put together just even a little tutor. 00:39:27 Real like you, you get on the list this way and you participate this way. It's mine, so we'll just keep. We'll keep that as a running item whenever we put out the minutes of people because it is. It's a fine line between things for the. 00:39:47 Start with something. 00:39:48 Yeah, that would be amazing because I do think that as as subjects come up that maybe we aren't necessarily addressing those the entire. 00:39:55 Yeah, we can still address in really powerful ways by mobilizing our circles, by mobilizing. 00:40:01 Our own self. 00:40:02 To go and participate and help raise awareness and what the board know or. 00:40:11 I'm sorry I can't see everything. 00:40:12 Oh, I'm sorry. 00:40:13 Yeah. I just wanted to go back to my mental health update in General, I. 00:40:23 They can't come for three months and I think we need to make a formal request. 00:40:30 You just didn't get one. 00:40:35 100% like I happen to know a lot about it because I turned down the license professional like a licensed mental health professional job. But like they've hired 14 more and I want to know about the current. So that was my question is grammar. 00:40:37 We're not. 00:40:46 Right. 00:40:50 So we're so. 00:40:54 And what is? 00:40:56 Mental health. Oh, that's right. I always forget. What? 00:40:58 It sounds like. 00:41:18 They could not get. 00:41:19 Out of. 00:41:34 Sort of. 00:41:35 Are any? I mean, I know we're already hiring happens. I doubt that things have happened like that, right. But I don't ever want to do that. But I mean, I can reach out. 00:41:55 We've heard that Twilight is going to come. 00:41:56 Speak to us and. 00:41:58 I have specific questions that you want answered. I think we will have more like. 00:42:07 Asking for an essay. 00:42:07 I think I. 00:42:07 Think we're asking for a baseline is pretty fair. 00:42:11 I I'd be like, hey, well, student Health advisory committee with like, a mental health baseline, let's talk about where we are right now and how we can support continue and expanding mental health service. 00:42:25 I think it's a little crappy for them to. 00:42:27 Just be like we're not the answer. 00:42:33 Yeah, I want to be very clear. I didn't get it. No, we're. 00:42:36 Not going to give an update I. 00:42:38 Did not get a response to a. 00:42:40 Second e-mail I. 00:42:41 Sent today, we will get. I will dig into that a little deeper. I got the. 00:42:48 October commitments. 00:42:50 Today for her and. 00:42:51 Followed it up with another e-mail and did not receive it, but that doesn't mean. 00:42:54 That I didn't get that I was told no. So. 00:42:57 I'd be very clear that that's. 00:42:58 Not the response I. 00:42:59 Got from. So I will ask again and probably go basic base and. 00:43:05 Be a little bit more. 00:43:10 I think folks will get Addison's feedback, I think. Then we want to take time to go to the health curriculum, we're going to give back to meeting topics for future meetings, right, which I think is going to cover a lot of the things and the feelings that we're having about a lot of these topics. We're playing internship over the summer. 00:43:30 The district office. 00:43:32 Gotten a chance to work? 00:43:33 With Edna Butts and she's. 00:43:35 Really, really in tune with all the all the legislature, legislature, stuff and maybe, maybe you could ask, would you come in and kind of explain some of these a little bit. 00:43:48 You have to survive. 00:43:48 Just right. 00:43:50 Helpful for all of us to. 00:43:52 Know which one we can speak on. 00:43:52 Thank you. 00:43:57 Address and Flint is not that no session that they're going to have any session. 00:44:11 And that's one of the reasons. 00:44:14 Because we do believe that. 00:44:16 There's going to be some time. 00:44:16 Things that come up that we don't want to have those spaces filled in for and we do want to talk about those, but since we have our special guests. 00:44:23 There I want to make sure that we have. 00:44:25 A chance to get the health of my heart date, so I said. 00:44:33 Special session on doctors and education and sex and. 00:44:36 Health will be talked about. 00:44:48 Really. Stuff. 00:44:50 To assess the problem with time, yeah. 00:44:52 Typical, of course, don't have. 00:45:04 That's all. 00:45:07 Hi, I'm so glad you're here. 00:45:09 Stuff with these. 00:45:10 Conversations. And I'm over there like saying. 00:45:15 So, Oh yeah, you do. 00:45:20 They don't allow one guys water water. 00:45:21 OK. 00:45:26 Probably water. 00:45:30 OK. 00:45:31 Let's see if this works. 00:45:37 So sorry, but you want a treadmill. 00:45:43 So as I introduced before and a couple. 00:45:45 Of you that came in. 00:45:46 Questions. I'm Stephanie. Behavior in the health education curriculum, specialist for the district. I work under the lovely order. 00:45:52 And our other team. 00:45:54 Of curriculum specialists as well as Robin. 00:46:01 And and so I I am over. 00:46:04 The the. 00:46:05 Lead for all health. 00:46:07 Right. 00:46:07 High school and high school. It's awesome. 00:46:08 OK. 00:46:13 It's my. It's my jam. What we've done the last. 00:46:18 Since January, we revamped the whole high school house. 00:46:24 Flat so you may or may not be. 00:46:26 Aware and since. 00:46:27 They're not required to have help to graduate from high school you, but in ¼öƬapp we have been fighting to keep it a credit and make it a requirement for graduation, which we, which we have done just as an FYI, have been lately. But you know, we always kind of constantly somebody somebody goes. 00:46:45 You don't have to. And we'll we go. Why? So every. 00:46:49 Once in a while that comes up but. 00:46:52 So we're just going to keep moving forward and. 00:46:54 Requiring it. 00:46:56 This year, what we this past year, what we did was move to something called skills based health education and this is actually something that is guided by the National Health education standards. We have our state standards, fatigue, Texas education knowledge and skills that guide our content for health. But we the national. 00:47:16 Health Ed standards actually are still face standards. 00:47:20 So what does that? 00:47:21 Me and let's talk about that a little bit. What is skills based health education? This is a long definition that I just. 00:47:27 Thought I would put up here. 00:47:28 Because they're big words. 00:47:34 You might want to read it out loud. 00:47:36 Of planned sequential, comprehensive and relevant set of learning and experiences implemented through social, ecological and social, cultural perspectives and participatory methods to support the development of skills, attitudes and functional knowledge needed to maintain in hands of growth, health and well-being of self and others across multiple dimensions of Wellness. 00:47:56 What does that mean? 00:47:58 Good question, let's. 00:47:59 Talk about it. 00:48:01 Let's simplify that a little bit so. 00:48:04 Do a bit of a. 00:48:05 Side by side comparison. 00:48:07 Historically, what our health loss has been and what most? 00:48:10 Health classes. 00:48:11 Our our content base, right. So the difference the the thing about content base is that we're trying to acquire knowledge. 00:48:20 Right. That's so we're just trying to. 00:48:21 Learn some stuff. 00:48:22 Whereas in the skills base we're trying to acquire skills, right? Pretty straightforward. We're measuring on the content base, whether there's a mastery of the health related information. So we're getting them. 00:48:35 Tests that say. 00:48:37 You know what are the what? 00:48:38 Are the body parts names? 00:48:39 What did they do? 00:48:41 Label those. I'm going to get that later. Sorry. Going ahead of myself as opposed to mastering the ability to perform an actual skill. 00:48:50 Confidence in knowing what? 00:48:51 It means to live a healthy life when you. 00:48:52 Finish your health. Life. You should. 00:48:54 Know what it means to be healthy. 00:48:56 As opposed to confidence in your ability to actually. 00:49:00 Live a healthy life. Those are two different things. 00:49:04 Content based is is focused on stuff. 00:49:07 They can find with their on their. 00:49:08 Phone on a Google search. 00:49:11 What's this organ? How does that do? 00:49:14 The thing that that helps with your food? Oh, it's your gallbladder, right? OK, right about that. 00:49:19 As opposed to. 00:49:21 And meaningful, impactful educational experiences. 00:49:24 Right. So that's kind of the side by side, what we've. 00:49:27 Made the shift. 00:49:28 We've tried to. 00:49:28 Make the shift as much as possible from here. 00:49:31 Thank you. 00:49:33 Yeah, yeah. Questions. All right. OK. I thought I saw. 00:49:39 Building also that also come in with like resources like we're talking about living healthy, eating like like from parents and home access. That information regarding food that I don't know how is that a piece that goes along with it. 00:49:58 So that was the last slide, but. 00:50:02 I had a question about what? 00:50:03 Does it mean? 00:50:04 The ability to perform, yeah, great question. 00:50:10 Yeah, So what does? 00:50:11 That mean, let's talk about what that. 00:50:13 Means. So what are the actual? 00:50:15 Health skills that we're even talking about there. 00:50:17 Are seven of them. 00:50:18 Accessing information or valid and reliable information and. 00:50:22 Resources actually is. 00:50:23 Is enough. 00:50:25 Goal setting for the skill of being. 00:50:28 Able to set a. 00:50:29 Smart goal. 00:50:31 Interpersonal communication, right? Have respectful conversations to be able to. 00:50:38 Conflict resolution, like kind of think about how you're. 00:50:40 Communicating with someone else. 00:50:42 Self-awareness to be able to reflect internally why you're doing what you're doing, what you. 00:50:46 Think about what? 00:50:47 You just did how you might. 00:50:48 Feel if you did something different. 00:50:50 Analyze influences, making decisions and health advocacy. 00:50:56 Those are the seven scales. 00:51:03 What about knowledge acquisition? Great. Those skills. Those skills can apply to anything. Some of those skills are already written into the. 00:51:10 Lessons and the. 00:51:10 Whole making decisions. 00:51:11 Thing there's, you know, there's we do goal setting for other. 00:51:15 Stuff, right? Like none. 00:51:16 Of this, none of this is. 00:51:17 Specific to health, So what about the acquisition? 00:51:20 Of information that's related to health, sure. 00:51:23 What we're focusing on is what we call functional knowledge, so just enough information that's essential for them to be able to accurate, to be able to execute a skill. 00:51:35 So you have to know about the healthy eating stuff like the the different kinds of the reasons why this is healthier than that, what makes this healthier, vitamins, minerals, et cetera. 00:51:46 To be able to make the decision. 00:51:47 To eat the thing that's healthier. 00:51:50 Right. So you have to have some functional knowledge. 00:51:53 Knowledge by itself. 00:51:54 Doesn't make you do different. 00:51:57 But working on the skills can help. 00:52:02 The way we see. 00:52:03 It as all health information is important, we probably you're on the shack, you would probably agree with that all health information is important. 00:52:11 Not all health information is essential. 00:52:18 Oh, I said that. 00:52:18 Already knowledge does not equal behavior change. 00:52:21 Have a great activity that. 00:52:22 I like to do with teachers. I haven't done it here in a while and actually I've done it in the past where you just you. 00:52:27 Haven't fill. 00:52:28 Out a for like the anonymous questionnaire, have you ever basically like, have you ever taken any medication that wasn't prescribed to you? 00:52:37 Have you ever have you? Do you brush your teeth? 00:52:40 Every day, yes. I mean wash your. 00:52:42 Teeth every day, yes or no. 00:52:44 Have you have you? 00:52:45 Had more than five drinks, 4 drinks and you know, that kind of thing. All the kind of the recommendation. 00:52:51 And then anonymously mix them all up and then have them stand up and say who's. 00:52:54 Done what? See, we all know. 00:52:58 Don't mean we. 00:52:58 Always do. 00:53:01 OK, so let's look at some examples. So content based for example. 00:53:05 As I mentioned earlier. 00:53:06 And you correctly label all the major muscles in your body. 00:53:13 Is it net? Is it essential information that every single person? 00:53:18 No. Every name of every muscle in their body is that essential for all of us to. 00:53:23 Be healthy for. 00:53:24 All of us. 00:53:24 Another answer. 00:53:29 I don't know what. 00:53:31 Right. What we want you to. 00:53:33 Be able to. 00:53:33 Do them maybe. 00:53:35 Is to set a goal. 00:53:37 That actually can lead to working on fitness. 00:53:40 That works your. 00:53:42 Right, I know that I need to work my core strengths. 00:53:45 Like that's why. 00:53:46 I have back. 00:53:47 Issues. I need core strength I don't. 00:53:49 Necessarily need to know. 00:53:50 The names of all the muscles, but I need work. I just know. 00:53:52 I need to work this area. 00:53:54 Right, so I. 00:53:56 Can set a. 00:53:56 Goal as a smart goal to help me get. 00:53:59 There, knowing the. 00:54:01 Name doesn't help me get there, but we need a goal well. 00:54:05 Describe the parts of the body systems and how they function. 00:54:08 Great again and Google that. 00:54:13 All the time because when you. 00:54:14 Have to have you have to have it removed. 00:54:16 And you go wait. 00:54:17 What was that doing? I don't know. 00:54:18 What that did? 00:54:21 I don't think so. 00:54:23 I don't at all. 00:54:27 Right. So. 00:54:28 Being able to describe. 00:54:29 It off top. 00:54:30 Of my head not necessary. 00:54:32 But being able to look up information about it and know if it's valid and reliable information is really important to me because when you're in pain, it's really important. 00:54:44 Do I need to go to the ER like that? Do you need that valid? That's not a forum. 00:54:50 Right. That's the that's, you know, a medical one. 00:54:53 Like or whatever. 00:54:56 Listing the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, big conversation, mental health conditions is this essential? 00:55:03 I mean, it's good to. 00:55:04 Know what to look for. 00:55:07 But does that keep you healthy to be able? 00:55:09 To list signs and. 00:55:09 Symptoms No, but it might help if you can communicate with your friends and loved ones with someone that you're recognizing something. 00:55:19 And want to. 00:55:20 Help support them. 00:55:22 So that communication around mental health and support. 00:55:26 Is is a good skill to? 00:55:28 Be able to have. 00:55:29 As opposed to. 00:55:29 Just being able to check the boxes around time. 00:55:33 Right. So that's the change. 00:55:38 For our units. 00:55:39 I'm going to. 00:55:40 Show you some examples of. 00:55:41 What we have? 00:55:42 For our units, the way that our units now. 00:55:44 Are set up. 00:55:44 In high. 00:55:45 School health. Every single. 00:55:46 Unit starts with a skill or two. 00:55:51 We introduced the idea of the skill. 00:55:54 We move wrong way. We practice this skill, right? 00:55:59 Here's what a smart goal. 00:56:00 Is let's practice setting smart goal. 00:56:03 Is it specific? 00:56:04 Is it measurable? Is it? 00:56:06 Technical or is it realistic? Is it time, right? 00:56:10 And be and that can. 00:56:11 Be about anything. Let's just practice. 00:56:15 And then we introduced some content. 00:56:17 This one around, the one around goals and I was giving you an example that happens to be in our physical the setting goals for physical health. So it's our nutrition and and. 00:56:25 And physical activity. 00:56:27 So then we're introducing information about nutrition and nutrition, facts and strategy, and then we're and then we're practicing goal setting. 00:56:39 And then we're introducing some more content and. 00:56:41 Then we so. 00:56:41 We introduce some physical activity information and here's different components of. 00:56:45 Physical fitness and what they mean and then. 00:56:47 We practice by setting a. 00:56:48 Goal of physical fitness. 00:56:52 And we may do. 00:56:53 That a few different times, depending on the unit. 00:56:55 And how much content there? 00:56:56 Is and yadda yadda yadda and then every unit ends with. 00:57:00 What we're calling. 00:57:01 A skill based project project. That's probably more. 00:57:03 Accurate as a. 00:57:04 A personal a personal assessment around it. 00:57:08 And assessment and continued practice, right? 00:57:15 They're all done in slide decks so teachers can provide that to them via Blinn, which is our learning management system. 00:57:21 So that they can go in and do their own. So for this one, this is from the first unit, so it's complete. The flight deck with all the required information to create your phone, personal health and Wellness assessment. So they go through all 8 components of health and Wellness and talk about things they do well and talk about things they might need to improve. And then that's the very first unit. 00:57:41 Which means they come. 00:57:42 Back to that later for their goal settings. Pick something from there to set a goal right. 00:57:48 So it's all. 00:57:48 Tied together. 00:57:50 So that's how every single unit is set up. 00:57:55 What are the units? 00:57:58 First unit is that we call it the VY. 00:58:03 Beginning of the year introduction. 00:58:05 To health and Wellness. 00:58:07 We go into next accessing information. 00:58:10 Again, it's about valid and reliable information. 00:58:14 Setting goals, as I mentioned before, for physical health, using interpersonal communication skills for mental health, analyzing resources, analyzing influences about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, advocating for health and safety, and then last is the health skills we. 00:58:28 Just tack on the health skills. 00:58:30 From in the. 00:58:31 Beginning it's not different the last unit. 00:58:33 We didn't change, you know why? 00:58:34 You didn't change it. 00:58:36 Cause you know what? 00:58:37 We have to do. 00:58:37 To be able. 00:58:38 To change that, we didn't. 00:58:39 Do that we didn't touch. 00:58:41 It I would like to like reformat it and make it look like the. 00:58:44 Rest of these look but. 00:58:46 But I. 00:58:50 Yeah. No, it's a. 00:58:51 Whole year to change the lessons I'm. 00:58:52 Not changing the lessons at all. 00:58:55 Not touching them, but I just called them called. 00:58:57 Yolks working with sexuality and. 00:59:01 I figured that was available. 00:59:03 Legal counsel, though. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I know we did. We could not expand on it on the way that we wanted to in the sex system, in the health skills section. Yeah. But we have want to talk about social media. 00:59:22 Yeah. Where's that did it? 00:59:24 Did it make? 00:59:24 It so it is I mean. 00:59:26 It is in some of. 00:59:27 The HSR lessons, yeah. 00:59:29 It is also in the advocating for health and safety unit, so there's some. 00:59:34 Of the personal and online safety events. 00:59:37 In e-mail for a kernel like what you write on what you write in messages is going out with you. Like I don't think children know this now. 00:59:46 More worried about, I mean like like that's. 00:59:51 What I mean like people are. 01:00:04 I love the context. 01:00:14 Policy textbooks in the classroom, they have to 1st go through the shop, but they have to have open meetings. We do a survey with the community. They have to be approved by the. 01:00:34 So that means everything that's written that's future material. The student materials that you know, the training material. 01:00:39 Like everything inside has. 01:00:41 To go through the approval process, which means. 01:00:43 It has to be presented and then another. 01:00:45 Meeting to vote on. 01:00:46 It and then another name so that, but to write it and to get the approvals. 01:00:50 All of that. 01:00:51 Takes and so you just referring to the standards or district issue? 01:01:02 Historically, there was historically a lot, a lot of. 01:01:05 Stuff. Yeah, but. 01:01:08 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, let's look at those. 01:01:15 Let's look at the units. I'm just going. 01:01:17 To give you an overview. 01:01:18 Of what they look like because I just wanted. 01:01:20 To share what? 01:01:21 They look like because they're really cute, right? 01:01:25 OK, so the formatting style comes from. I mean like it's really. 01:01:29 Kind of based on. 01:01:30 What they've done with the elementary heating worker. 01:01:34 All that stuff is. 01:01:34 You OK? So it started, it started and we moved it all through. So like our department as a whole, like, we have a very similar look, we use a lot of emojis. 01:01:45 This year and. 01:01:49 We're having good movies. 01:01:51 We've got some, but honestly like I am. 01:01:55 You know, but look like. 01:01:56 That she. 01:01:57 My bitmoji is the fattest that it gets. It's not. It's not an option to get that. 01:02:05 It's like we we should. 01:02:12 OK, this is what Unit 1 looks like the ISH. So there's like I said, the introduction to health. 01:02:19 And Wellness, this is the. 01:02:20 Wellness mule that we use to talk about the the eight different. 01:02:24 Areas of health. 01:02:26 They do their own sort of help skill assessments, and we have a lesson. 01:02:31 Just on the skills to do a. 01:02:33 Quick overview of what the skills are that. 01:02:35 We're going to be focusing on. 01:02:36 For the semester and and they you know. 01:02:39 We talked to. 01:02:39 Them about kind of what I said about information, not really. We know that information. 01:02:43 Doesn't change behaviors, but being able to kind of. 01:02:45 It's the start of being able to raise awareness and and and and choose some actions to be able to change the majors to to live a healthier life. 01:02:53 So we kind of go through all of that. 01:02:58 Unit 2. 01:02:59 Was very intentional that. 01:03:01 We put accessing information on forms. 01:03:03 Because for the rest of the units, the rest of the semester, when we aren't focusing on the skill of accessing valid and reliable resources and information, we are coming back to it in right even. 01:03:16 In the vape like there's. 01:03:17 A vaping activity that. 01:03:18 Even like finding our bulldog bathing and then how does that help, you know, how does that influence somebody's? 01:03:24 Decision to say. 01:03:26 Ohh, by the way, was that even a valid and reliable resource that impacted them? 01:03:31 That was that influence because it may not. 01:03:33 Have been but. 01:03:33 It still hasn't. 01:03:35 Right. So we come back to this lesson. 01:03:38 For everything, just a few minutes the. 01:03:40 Whole unit just on this. 01:03:43 We use the. 01:03:44 Crap model which you know if you've. 01:03:47 Got middle school and high school kids. That's funny. 01:03:50 And also adults. That's funny. It's just funny, right? 01:03:55 So we teach them about the the which that model really comes from doing, like lit reviews, literature reviews and how to know that what you're researching. 01:04:04 Is accurate. Is is good information? Works for your research project. 01:04:08 How much for this to you? 01:04:10 So we introduced that to them. We have them practice. 01:04:15 We do we actually like. 01:04:17 To introduce some kind of basic information that doesn't necessarily. 01:04:20 Fit in other units, right? So. 01:04:21 Body systems to put body. 01:04:24 Systems up front to communicable and non communicable diseases. 01:04:27 Which is in the. 01:04:28 Teeth, but it doesn't really align with other stuff. 01:04:31 So we have them do a project. 01:04:33 Where they have. 01:04:35 To look up a. 01:04:35 Disease and kind of get some information about it, but also highlight what are your valid and reliable resources that you're. 01:04:43 Using, why did? 01:04:43 You use them. 01:04:45 Right. It's about the. 01:04:46 Focus. We do a local resources lesson. We do an activity where we use 211. 01:04:52 So they go to the. 01:04:53 211 Texas website kind of look to see what resources are available. Pick one of the options, dig through it to kind of see what that looks like so there's some activities around finding local resources and 211. 01:05:06 As a little bit of. 01:05:06 Everything I thought we chose that. 01:05:12 All right, Unit 3. Setting goals for physical health. As I mentioned that before smart goals we're using, we moved and we decided to use the healthy eating plate from the hard. 01:05:25 I forget what they call it, I. 01:05:26 Had to cut the bottom off because. 01:05:34 We have for years used the USA. 01:05:38 UM. 01:05:40 We have it in here because people are used to using the USDA. Might you put it in there to say, listen, there's a lot of information out there about. 01:05:48 Nutrition, we do have, really. 01:05:50 Like we have, we have a lot of. We had a lot of conversations about how the nutrition lessons would go. We have a lot of. 01:05:58 Feelings about them. 01:06:01 But we wanted to make sure that people understand there's a lot of information out there right from a lot of different resources that say different things about nutrition and it can be really hard to find good, like really consistent nutrition information. 01:06:18 It's hard for someone who doesn't really know what they're looking for. 01:06:23 Even people who do know what they're. 01:06:24 Looking for and so it we really I really. 01:06:27 Like this one? 01:06:28 A lot the difference if you're not familiar. One of the things that we point out or that's pointed out is that the USDA might play has dairy. 01:06:39 On it and. 01:06:41 The Harvard one doesn't. Does water? You don't really vary. 01:06:45 At every point. 01:06:48 All the time they added the oils because healthy oils are a good part of the healthy, you know, healthy diet that USDA doesn't cover at all. And then they have. 01:06:59 The little stay. 01:06:59 Active he slaughtered as well to kind of do. 01:07:02 The little snack thing. 01:07:05 So it's just a little bit more combo saying they specifically say whole grains. 01:07:10 As opposed to just grains. 01:07:12 With like, yeah. 01:07:13 But they should probably hold what you. 01:07:15 Were doing. 01:07:18 Healthy protein. So really trying to focus. 01:07:20 On fish and fish and and and. 01:07:26 Chicken and you know things. 01:07:28 Like that or or. 01:07:29 Vegetable proteins or, you know soy, soy and and that kind. 01:07:34 Of stuff, non meat, protein and. 01:07:35 Cervical composition of that. 01:07:38 Nothing else. 01:07:42 Using interpersonal communication for mental health. So. 01:07:48 This is like the longest unit. I think there's a lot of different things in. 01:07:51 Here it wasn't. 01:07:53 It wasn't the most painful nutrition. One was the most. 01:07:56 Painful, but this one. 01:07:58 Is the longest this by the way, also has the self-awareness. 01:08:04 So we start by doing the communication piece, you know, defining communication, going through the type like passive aggressive, passive aggressive, assertive communication stuff. 01:08:16 And then the. 01:08:16 Next lesson is self-awareness. 01:08:18 So the discovery window I. 01:08:20 Wasn't familiar with, but just kind of I just fell in love with it. But it's just this whole. 01:08:24 One piece of being able to. 01:08:27 Like look at how other people see you. So how do you what do you tell others about yourself? How do other people perceive you? What do you not tell people? What do people think about you that you don't know or see in you that you don't know and how they're really kind of communicate to share more about yourself? 01:08:47 Or to ask questions to find out. 01:08:49 More about how people. 01:08:50 Perceive you like there's this whole it's a whole. 01:08:52 It's a really cool thing. 01:08:54 Look it up jahari window. It can also be a good tool for conflict resolution. What do we know when we both know about this argument? What do you know that I don't know? What do I know that? 01:09:03 You don't know. 01:09:03 What neither of us know. 01:09:05 That kind of thing, it can. 01:09:06 Be a good conflict resolution. 01:09:07 Tool as well. So we point that out. 01:09:11 We do an activity around the mental and emotional health continuum, so thriving and surviving, struggling and in crisis. 01:09:18 This is like what does it look? 01:09:19 Like, but also what can you do with it? 01:09:22 So we do a we have a station rotation kind of activity where they can go to each of them to. 01:09:26 Practice things like. 01:09:28 You know whether it's, oh, I'm going to forget what all is in there now the. 01:09:32 Thriving one is like, you know, you're doing really well. 01:09:34 Let's maybe clean out your backpack. 01:09:35 And make it to. 01:09:36 Do list and kind of be able to continue? 01:09:38 To do well. 01:09:40 Survive, I forget which one. 01:09:42 We ended up putting the coloring. 01:09:44 Pages and journaling have struggling, so we've got a gratitude journaling station and a coloring station that in crisis when I think was finding resources. 01:09:56 For this station, so just kind of being able to think about. 01:09:59 That along the continuum. 01:10:02 The thing. 01:10:02 Yeah. And then things like the, so how how? 01:10:04 Do you know when you're stressed? Bucket is full. What does it feel like physically? What does it feel like emotionally? How would it affect your communication with others? When you're feeling stressed, right, that the whole skill was supposed to be communication? 01:10:17 And self-awareness. 01:10:19 So being able to point that out. 01:10:21 OK, five is analyzing influences and also making decisions. 01:10:26 Because things influence your decision. 01:10:30 Right. So again kind of some basic information in there about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs. 01:10:36 There's there's some good. 01:10:37 Stuff in there with about fentanyl. Naloxone is in there video about fentanyl, I believe. 01:10:48 Yeah, skill. Practice. So they kind of. 01:10:50 Do what they do a mind math. 01:10:51 Around what their influences are. 01:10:53 In their life, they. 01:10:54 Use the decide model so they have to also evaluate what are my values. How can I make decisions that are in alignment? 01:10:59 With my values. 01:11:05 Advocating for health and safety. So we. 01:11:07 Go into both. 01:11:08 Advocating for self and advocating for others and what that looks like so they kind of do some stuff around community health, different markers for community health. 01:11:20 They do first aid and CPR. They do online like personal and online safety stuff. 01:11:28 And and then they do have. 01:11:29 PSA project at the end. 01:11:34 OK. What we developed for teachers to have. 01:11:40 As you saw, there's slide decks for every single lesson. 01:11:44 There's notes at the bottom of this slide, notes for teachers for facilitators, and those have also been put into a teacher resource sheet for them to have some of that is scripted. 01:11:53 Some of that is linked. 01:11:54 To the handout, some of that is other resources like just kind of like For more information here. 01:12:01 As needed for activities, handouts, etcetera. All that is created and given to them and then the projects at the end of every unit for the students. 01:12:09 To use so we created all. 01:12:11 Of it kind of like we. 01:12:12 Did for sex Ed right? 01:12:14 We did for health. 01:12:19 And they, you know. 01:12:21 We've got teachers who are brand spanking new, coming in teaching health. We've got teachers who been doing it for 30 years. We've been training them over the summer. They all seem to really. 01:12:30 Like it a. 01:12:31 Lot and I have a very good. 01:12:34 I'm. I'm I'm. 01:12:35 I'm very hopeful that my plans will be to start starting next week. 01:12:41 Getting in touch with going. 01:12:42 Out to see. 01:12:43 Teachers and see how it's being implemented and see what supports additional supports they need. 01:12:48 But it's really intended. 01:12:49 To be very active for students, very engaging. 01:12:54 And and so we hope that. 01:12:57 That's what. 01:12:58 It does. 01:13:00 Yeah. We really are focused on the fact that again, knowledge is on their phone. They can look that up and where we can practice skills of that so. 01:13:09 It's an effective use of. 01:13:10 Time there's one semester, right? 18 weeks. 01:13:13 For them to get this information in. 01:13:17 We, as we mentioned before, believe that it's a more meaningful impact on well-being that they'll be engaged adaptable students needs. There's a lot of stuff in there about how does. 01:13:26 This apply to. 01:13:27 You right, what are your goals? What are your you know, your your assessment? What are your skills? How do? 01:13:33 You feel about that? 01:13:34 And making that work for them. 01:13:37 Assessments are another thing that we've had conversations about. We're we're not giving them tests to test knowledge, but we're encouraging them to use more of a rubric system on how well students are picking up the skills and what you know, how they're kind of grasping the concepts around the skills. 01:13:53 And those are. 01:13:54 Still being worked out and those are kind of up to the teachers. 01:13:56 As to how they want to do that. 01:13:58 But that's what we're that's what we're. 01:14:00 Talking them about. 01:14:01 And off the team. 01:14:05 I feel like whenever. 01:14:06 Right. 01:14:18 Does that answer your question that you? 01:14:19 Had earlier. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually just a general. 01:14:23 Question teacher, do you have a question? 01:14:28 They had a question about. 01:14:29 Them so that means like direct support, she will be the one on the ground and. 01:14:35 And then we have an open door policy. Everybody's. 01:14:38 Accessible and they just reach out. 01:14:40 Our teachers are very well versed with who who's in charge of. 01:14:44 What? Where? That and thanks very. 01:14:46 Much for doing. 01:14:47 That they also you. 01:14:48 Know. Yeah, I've been around a while. So they they know exactly who. 01:14:53 Something will be on the ground in all classrooms, observing the work that had on us. 01:15:01 Other questions? 01:15:04 I have two questions. One. 01:15:05 It's about whether there was also a textbook adopting textbook to whether. 01:15:20 Developed and whether. 01:15:26 The assessment, the rubric that you're using. 01:15:31 Change it at the high school level. 01:15:47 At this point in time. 01:15:49 Assessment feedback on to the. 01:15:51 Teacher. Yeah, you know that needs to be. 01:15:53 At the teacher at captains level. 01:15:54 That said, should look depending on where you are, and so our teachers, we talked to them about how the the pieces of the curriculum they could use. 01:16:03 And then they can also create their own solid. 01:16:08 Workable, and that's acceptable on the campus. 01:16:11 And so at. 01:16:11 This point in time we are not creating. 01:16:13 Reference whether district level. 01:16:15 To push out because we don't see them. 01:16:17 As being a. 01:16:18 Good use of time for. 01:16:20 Us and or applicable for off campus and. 01:16:22 It's hard to light on one type of assessment across. 01:16:25 It inside of this right because that would. 01:16:28 Look like look like we want to put that back on to the teachers, to have them be able to really do that and individual that. 01:16:37 Other things and what? 01:16:40 That's the first year, sorry. Another question for how long is this? 01:16:48 This is Brandon, OK. 01:16:49 OK, so this will be. 01:16:50 The first year? Yeah, they just saw it at the Java lake mean. 01:16:54 There's a couple of trains we did over the. 01:16:55 Summer, but they. 01:16:56 Just all the teachers come together that for. 01:17:00 AA last week and we just presented. 01:17:03 I did a three. 01:17:04 Hour training with them on this and this. 01:17:06 Is so this we used for the first time. 01:17:10 But to answer your other. 01:17:10 Question and I'll come. 01:17:11 To the other one about textbook, we did do a textbook adoption last year. We did use a textbook for a lot of this, so the textbook that we was adopted for secondary is that good Heart Wilcox textbook it is. It was purchased for the district. 01:17:24 To be a. 01:17:25 Blender learning management system for all of the the things are in. 01:17:30 Blend for for teachers and students to access, however. 01:17:34 Again, because of the variety of their campuses and how they use it, but we what I ended up doing was taking from the textbook to build this with whether that be content or activities or you know, ideas around things, images, some images, that kind of thing we took from the textbook and but we. 01:17:53 And they have access to it. 01:17:55 But they don't have. 01:17:56 To go to the textbook right now. 01:17:59 Depends on how they. 01:18:00 So there's it's. 01:18:01 So yeah, I just just if there is a way to it sounds like already this trip was really exciting and we've seen with other innovative courses of these like the you know these particular districts that have their. 01:18:20 You know, curricula, we use, you know, in other districts, right? Right. Yeah. So other districts, you know. 01:18:30 Because of that. 01:18:31 So just curious if there's any way other than I know that each campus is individualized, but I think this should level to get some kind of sense of, you know, how well it's working, right? And so that's just, that's the only reason. 01:18:45 Behind the district level assessment. 01:18:50 We have been talking internally about surveying teachers, but I want, I think, at this point in time, first year out what we're going to see is how that's how it's being questioned. 01:19:02 And so that's really what we're looking for. At Stephanie goes out to individual campuses to see to delivering the curriculum and then seeing the interaction with the students. We will look on that. That's something that would be interesting to see get the survey survey information from teachers back to see and also for students, I think that would be useful. 01:19:24 Today, Alex and. 01:19:24 It's all up to you and only students report. 01:19:41 I'm here. 01:19:45 Michael was just for question, so. 01:19:48 When I remember when I went to. 01:19:49 School. I did not go to school. 01:19:50 Texas, we had a health education teacher, probably. 01:19:55 In middle and high. 01:19:56 School. I don't remember learning anything. 01:19:58 The top. 01:20:00 But is it? 01:20:00 Is this like the standard that that classroom teacher teaches health, education and? 01:20:06 How does it? 01:20:06 Work in middle. 01:20:07 And high school. This is our the. 01:20:09 Course that you're looking. 01:20:10 At not is a high school health course. There is a high school health teacher with. 01:20:13 Certified health education. 01:20:14 You got. 01:20:15 Take this. OK. We are in the process of. 01:20:19 Developing a middle school course also that would be taught by certified at middle School for Health, that is in the works and on 2nd radar. 01:20:29 To do with our team, my team. 01:20:31 'S working on that for. 01:20:32 This year, at the elementary classroom, teachers do that health education as part of the report card, and that curriculum is also provided by our and. 01:20:43 What happens is the school. 01:20:47 All high schools have health educators because it's a required curriculum. 01:20:52 I guess not. 01:20:53 Saying it's not. 01:20:56 As far as I know, we're fully stopped. That was part of what we're looking at. 01:21:05 Yeah, yeah, we do not know about that. 01:21:10 Yeah, I mean they, they, they. 01:21:11 Tend to be some of our coaches that are, you know, some of our weather like dance coaches to your coaches. Not all. Not the football necessarily football, basketball. 01:21:20 That that don't do that the process but that but there's there's. 01:21:23 A lot of them that are, you know. 01:21:25 That are coaches or a lot of. 01:21:26 Other sports or also how teacher like that? 01:21:29 You know, some of the sort of. 01:21:30 The side some of the. 01:21:31 You know, some of the side things that aren't necessarily. 01:21:36 Anyway, so there, but there's there's a lot of, there's there, always. There are some middle. 01:21:40 Schools that at eight grade. 01:21:42 Teach the high school health class for credit. They they decided they've chosen and our district. 01:21:47 To allow 8th graders. 01:21:48 To also get pay full credit. 01:21:49 For it, and so they teach it at they. 01:21:51 Teach those high school class at 8. 01:21:59 Thank you. Over the next year, we will work to realize that. 01:22:21 They will and we are. We will work with them all, actually do it and then we will redesign their. 01:22:33 To make it more skill, space is a little harder when it's an online course, but we will. We'll make it happen. 01:22:39 And is that because? 01:22:43 Like, that's always been an option in the online version at Garza, so that's always as far as I've since I've been here, been an option and they they have historically. 01:23:00 Mirrored our curriculum. 01:23:05 I guess because the wrong class of these other classes that come up here long things, it's hard. 01:23:13 To fit in. 01:23:21 Thank you, Stephanie. You're obviously very passionate about this and what's the beginning of it? Where do you agree? 01:23:30 You're not. 01:23:35 I mean, I just. I wasn't here. I'm not here regularly. I haven't been here regularly, but but now that we're with it, season. 01:23:46 As I call it. 01:23:48 It went on forever like the second. 01:23:50 Season has been five years here. 01:23:53 But yeah, I'm going back into the second season where I have trained teachers this, you know, this semester and kind of. 01:23:58 Get them going for it to. 01:24:00 He did this semester, though there's a season. 01:24:03 You will see a lot more. I'll be here. Thank you. OK. The next section which we are super late for. We got to get this girl home to pack her entire car. She's leaving town in the morning to crack. 01:24:20 Take your kid. 01:24:20 To college so. 01:24:21 So so as you see here the the dates and the the things that we wanted to really do a deep dive in and have a report like the health update that we. 01:24:34 Update that we had tonight. 01:24:38 I think we'll do the survey, as we mentioned before, to see what bigger things we want to tackle and then figure out how do we want to do it here. Do we want to do a letter, do we want to get testified? We want to individually, like there's a lot of ways to tackle it. 01:24:55 Does anybody have anything they want to? 01:24:56 Say about what's being what's already listened. Yeah. 01:25:00 I sent an e-mail earlier today. You thought he's asking me. 01:25:06 The school gardens could be. 01:25:07 Added so the school gardens is part. 01:25:09 Of the priority list. 01:25:11 I didn't get an e-mail from you. 01:25:14 I I definitely said that we should do good services in person so that they. 01:25:17 Yes. So she's not going to feed us last year, so they lose money every time they cater because they're not. 01:25:24 Set up to. 01:25:24 Do it. I tried. 01:25:31 I know every single Japanese have. 01:25:33 I try, I mean I've. 01:25:34 Known diverting forever, so she was just. 01:25:37 Like it, it just doesn't. 01:25:39 Make sense for them to do it? 01:25:41 They lose money. 01:25:43 Well, I mean, if we want to try to have food here, I mean, it's going to be our own dollar. 01:25:48 But we we. 01:25:49 Can make that we need I. 01:25:51 I I like. I like. I like I like. 01:25:57 Like it was kind of cool to. 01:25:58 Be like. 01:25:58 Yeah, I also have the chicken, my. 01:26:00 Puppy the other day I very good chicken. 01:26:05 OK. 01:26:06 Yeah, that was. 01:26:07 A virtual that's. 01:26:08 That's why I I wrote I wrote. 01:26:10 Who I was like. 01:26:11 Wait a minute. Sorry. No, I know. 01:26:15 I did say we could do. 01:26:16 Like soccer games, when everybody like. 01:26:18 Have to bring snacks. Yeah. So the thing about. 01:26:22 Garden specifically is that with the the. 01:26:27 Of water usage being so low and it being so hot, I don't know that that's something that we can even really. 01:26:34 Address because it's. 01:26:34 Not a feasible thing. 01:26:36 A. There's another. 01:26:36 Committee that mostly addresses cards. That's that's the. 01:26:43 The green one. 01:26:45 Is it? 01:26:51 There is environment sustainability. Yeah. Yeah. So I just don't think it's within our scope here to do it at the shop garden specifically. But if they did something we could, like sign something for it. 01:27:09 So the gardening method that I propose. 01:27:11 Is the one. 01:27:12 That requires the least amount of water, and it's all about like access to healthy. 01:27:14 I understand. 01:27:17 I get you. I just don't think it's a. It's a scope of shock. 01:27:20 Thing, unless somebody else. 01:27:22 Things, and I mean we can sit in on this. 01:27:27 They came last year speaking about 1:35. 01:27:36 Yeah, yeah. 01:27:39 And actually being so good, anybody can stand here with a video camera video having every single word that we say and broadcast it. So just one. But you know, my question is how are we going to make this? Like, I want you to think about this like. 01:27:59 Like it's it's nothing like about things like come up with things like perfect wording or, you know, look. 01:28:05 At like why? 01:28:06 Does it stop? 01:28:07 You know, like as as we're all we're doing lessons. OK, so. And you know, like we all believe in our parents. We all believe all the time. 01:28:15 Here, but nobody else needs sausage. 01:28:18 So I think like maybe we need to think about like how is that as a committee we have done 666 subcommittees before we've done 3 subcommittees before. We've done 0 subcommittees before because we were in a lot of trouble. That was under it because when I took over, I was like some place. So you guys need to decide on, like, how it is that you're going to make your sausage. 01:28:38 To bring it here for an upper bound. 01:28:41 I think we have to decide what. 01:28:42 The sausage is first, we don't actually. 01:28:44 That's that's, that's all, that's all. 01:28:47 We don't actually know what we're running. We didn't know, right? We have, I mean. 01:28:52 Internally I know. 01:28:53 But I don't know what we are fighting for, right? This is obviously very important. 01:28:58 I think I think this is a. 01:28:58 Not to be. 01:28:59 Great idea I. 01:29:00 We never done. Yeah. I'm like, yeah, it's like the other microphone. Yeah. So we'll be sending that out. So as a follow up to the meeting so that people can, we wanted to kind of talk about and just address the fact that why we've left some of them owe that is not because. 01:29:17 We didn't have a lot of ideas, but we want to make sure everybody has a chance to put in those ideas and then also even once we have those ideas. 01:29:25 Agreed upon we. 01:29:26 Need some flexibility in case a new building in case anyone ever. 01:29:32 Whatever the timely thing that I just want to leave them. 01:29:37 Who would it be for that? 01:29:38 As well, but. 01:29:38 We also want to make sure that everybody. 01:29:40 Has a voice and. 01:29:42 Being heard on that. 01:29:44 Though that I think the survey is probably the best way to do. 01:29:47 That again there might. 01:29:48 Be some people for. 01:29:51 Your privacy concerns. They don't necessarily want to do a voice in the public forum. You can privately bring that up and then we can bring it back to. 01:29:59 Probably the list of things, but no one has necessarily. 01:30:02 Other things like. 01:30:03 They only simply that has to be legislatively exist. Is this excessive? 01:30:09 OK. And it does not and until second season, you know they may be not. 01:30:16 Names on on. 01:30:17 This paper, but it is legislatively required. 01:30:20 So when I I'm on your Select Committee forever. I've been on it. 01:30:23 Forever and it will be on it forever. 01:30:26 So just so you know, put my name down. 01:30:29 So yeah, but what I would like anybody just to make because we have had surveys sent out in the past and. 01:30:35 I think I got one. 01:30:37 So just. 01:30:38 Know it is coming and know that. 01:30:40 If you want to have. 01:30:41 Your cause hurt or whatever, that survey. 01:30:43 Is going to be our place to do that, to get the ball. 01:30:46 Rolling for the next. 01:30:47 Meeting. So be on the look out for. 01:30:50 It and then for. 01:30:51 The deadline, because we do want to make sure that we're we're hearing everybody's causes, things are near near your heart. 01:30:59 But in order to do that, we know what they and in it. 01:31:05 In a consolidated. 01:31:05 Place to make it so that we have. 01:31:07 Left useful of our time about those. 01:31:10 Conversations there may be 20 or there may. 01:31:11 Be three. Who knows, I mean. 01:31:15 And overlap with. 01:31:17 How about speed? Has he spent? 01:31:18 Here. So we just have had so many things that we. 01:31:23 Weren't sure exactly. 01:31:24 How it's going down to be taught in the said space. 01:31:28 Sex. That's right. 01:31:30 But in general, with lessons being translated over and just the general. 01:31:36 Piece of spend in general, but we. 01:31:38 Haven't nailed it down, it's. 01:31:40 So we have, we have. 01:31:41 Time to get to the scope of specifically what we want evaluations and like timelines. 01:31:53 OK. 01:31:54 We could have a report, but yeah. 01:31:56 We we can ask anybody. 01:31:59 You know, but I just don't. 01:32:00 Think it's appropriate for us to? 01:32:03 I I I would not feel like I stayed in my name if I was. 01:32:07 Going to but I. 01:32:08 Was testing that and I haven't spent. 01:32:09 Getting like you know, but still like I I don't think that's like. 01:32:12 I don't want to step on other. 01:32:14 But those are good questions to bring up in the survey, because then that allows us to come back. 01:32:17 To AIC and get those. 01:32:19 Answers for you. So you. 01:32:21 Oh, I didn't have a. 01:32:22 Question because I wasn't sure. 01:32:23 If it was the right place, ask. 01:32:24 The question and we'll find out. 01:32:26 If it's the right place. If it's not, we'll direct people. 01:32:29 To the right. 01:32:29 Place to make sure that that be there. 01:32:33 We sure we don't have any idea what we're doing. 01:32:40 So we're going to. 01:32:48 Know what you're doing? 01:32:54 I've sat in. 01:32:55 The street for. 01:32:55 Two years and. 01:32:56 So we are the world's longest actor. 01:33:04 Over arching. 01:33:06 I mean, like different dishes like that. I'm just curious. 01:33:13 Last year, we sent about information about where you could meet for like a. 01:33:18 Chef online thing it was I think. 01:33:19 Within Texas, so it's just the role believe. 01:33:23 It's not like a in person exactly, but. 01:33:25 And so, but like in a certain. 01:33:27 Topic they're discussing. 01:33:28 We kind of like talk with each other and maybe like. 01:33:32 Here is very very different and very. 01:33:34 Very involved than other. 01:33:35 I don't know that there's. 01:33:38 Website That you need from once per quarter. 01:33:40 And so those chats were only for end of. 01:33:42 Year. Yeah, two track is unique in that it is highly involved and it is has a lot of access to the. 01:33:50 To the actual. 01:33:51 District. And so I don't think you're. 01:33:53 Going to find another. 01:33:53 Shack as involved as this one. 01:33:55 In fact, Judge Jones and I will. 01:33:57 When I was the chair and. 01:33:58 Jones was the chair of the Round Rock I. 01:33:59 Assume like we go. 01:34:00 Out once with them and she's. 01:34:01 Like you need people like answer your emails. 01:34:06 So yeah, it's it's very, very different. Yeah. 01:34:10 Yeah, it's like we. 01:34:12 Hang out at the capital, it's like. 01:34:17 It's not part of them. 01:34:22 So the items from Members will also. 01:34:24 Be encountered in that survey, yes. 01:34:26 Yeah. So I just would like. 01:34:27 To bring us back to the vote on the Minutes. 01:34:29 Because when the. 01:34:29 Minutes get really. 01:34:30 Far behind, so I would like to, yeah. 01:34:32 See that? 01:34:37 Yeah, I'll make a motion to approve the minutes. 01:34:43 Allison seconds. All in favor? 01:34:48 Yeah. Are you? 01:34:51 Oh yeah, we're not at the previous meeting. 01:34:59 Procedural stuff guys. Sorry guys. 01:35:00 Oh, do you want to see? 01:35:06 Minutes earlier, we didn't vote to table the table. 01:35:10 But we took the boat because I. 01:35:15 OK, because because I thought it. 01:35:17 Was after what she wrote. 01:35:22 Yes, we did. Thank you. 01:35:33 Yeah, you're so wincing, but you have. 01:35:37 That thing like that. 01:35:40 OK. 01:35:42 Right person went at the wrong time to. 01:35:47 Oh yeah. Are we adjourned? 01:35:50 Yes, we're adjourned. 01:36:00 We will need some. 01:36:04 Thank you. Thank you. 01:36:08 It's gonna take this long. 01:36:15 OK.