Budget Briefs: Task Force Submits Final Report to Superintendent, Present to Board

The Budget Stabilization Task Force submitted its final report to Superintendent Paul Cruz Jan. 4 concluding its months-long process to identify creative strategies to close the budget deficit. The Task Force presented an overview of its process, findings and proposed recommendations at the Jan. 7 Board of Trustees work session. 

The recommendations and general topic areas are one source that district administration will consider as they work to balance the budget.

The work ahead will involve synthesizing feedback from the BSTF, district staff and the broader community. While the preliminary 2019-20 budget is still in the early stages of development, what we do know is that any decisions the district makes will be guided by the strategic priorities outlined by the Board of Trustees: Every child will thrive in exemplary schools, read on grade level by third grade and excel with exceptional teachers. The district is financially sound and in good standing and must do this hard work to continue on a fiscally sound path. 

The final 2019-20 budget proposal will go to the board for approval in June.