Statement from Superintendent Meria Carstarphen Regarding TEA Rating Appeals

Austin, TX— ¼öƬapp School District (AISD) Superintendent Meria Carstarphen released the following statement today after receiving notification that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) denied rating appeals for one high school and four middle schools from academically unacceptable to academically acceptable:

"We are disappointed that the appeals for these schools were not approved. In all cases – but specifically in the case LBJ High School – solid evidence proofs academic performance at the school did improve dramatically over the last two years. We felt it was important to have the Texas Education Agency take a closer look at the performance of these five campuses. Since all five would have been rated as Academically Acceptable under the 2009-2010 rules, we continue to think our appeals have merit. It is unfortunate that these schools will have to carry this label for two more years, since the State will not release new ratings until 2013."