AISD Invites Community Feedback on Creative Learning Initiative

The ¼öƬapp School District invites community members to learn about the Any Given Child Creative Learning Initiative and to share their feedback on this important initiative. 

Who: AISD representatives, community members, parents and caregivers

What: Community discussion and district overview of the Any Given Child Creative Learning Initiative. Child care and interpretation services will be provided. 

When:  6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 1 

Where: Kealing Middle School Auditorium, 1607 Pennsylvania Ave.

Background: The proposal has been developed through an unprecedented collaboration among the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, AISD, the City of Austin and local higher education and arts communities as part of the district's preliminary, potential 2013-2014 Annual Academic and Facilities Recommendations.

For more information, please contact AISD's community engagement team at 414-4457.