Board Briefs: Work Session (April 8)

Recommended Revisions to Strategic Plan

In December 2009, ¼öƬapp’s Board of Trustees approved a five-year Strategic Plan for the district. This plan, which was developed over several months of work by community representatives and AISD educators, provides the district with direction for instruction, curriculum, budgeting, staffing and partnerships.

The board reviewed and revised the strategic plan during 2010 and 2011. The 2012 annual review was delayed as a result of the transition from TAKS to STAAR and because of the uncertainty concerning the new state and federal accountability systems.

In response to the new state accountability system, the board now needs to adopt new strategic plan targets that are aligned to the 2012 STAAR and EOC baseline results.

Chief Performance Officer Bill Caritj presented recommendations for revisions to targets in Goals 1, 2, and 4 and to components of Goal 3 related to college readiness indicators.

These recommendations will be taken to the District Advisory Council Tuesday, April 16, and the final recommendations will be brought back to the board for action at the Monday, April 22, regular board meeting.