Media Advisory: Dobie Pre-K Center Celebrates Successful First Year

AUSTIN, TX­—The ¼öƬapp School District’s J. Frank Dobie Pre-Kindergarten Center celebrates its first graduating class and highlights the school’s first-year successes.

Who: Superintendent Meria Carstarphen, AISD Board Trustee Cheryl Bradley, Principal Courtney Roberson

When: 3 to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 18

Where: J. Frank Dobie Pre-Kindergarten Center, 1200 E. Rundberg Lane 

Background: The Dobie Pre-K Center was created to relieve overcrowding in North Central Austin.  In January 2012, the Board of Trustees approved the use of bond contingency funds to create Dobie Pre-K Center. This year, the center, which is separate from the main campus, serves 281 students. Teachers focus on promoting early academic readiness, so students are able to read the next school year in kindergarten.  

As a school district, AISD has made investing in early childhood education a high priority. Last year, when the state reduced its funding for full-day Pre-K, AISD used local dollars in order to continue to offer full-day Pre-K services.

For more information, please contact the Department of Communications and Community Engagement at 414-2414.