Registering for the future: AISD, Travis County partner for voter registration at graduations

Ƭapp graduates have already begun embracing roles as Travis County voters. During the district’s annual graduation ceremonies last week, 365 seniors from 14 campuses registered to vote.

The district partnered with the First Vote! Program, sponsored by the Travis County Tax Office and the Austin-area League of Women Voters, to host the registration opportunity. Through the program, First Vote! teaches junior and senior high school students about the importance of voter registration and voting as well as how to seek out nonpartisan information on candidates and issues.

Graduates were able to use the wait time before walking the stage to register.

“We are proud to offer our graduates an opportunity to continue engaging in our community after they graduate,” AISD Superintendent Paul Cruz said. “Part of preparing students for college, career and life includes being active participants in our local community.”

Travis County Voter Registrar Bruce Elfant said it is critical to engage young people in the democratic process as soon as they are eligible to vote.

“High school diplomas and voter registration are rites of passage to adulthood,” Elfant said. “Not only did students flock to our voter registration tables as they awaited their graduation ceremonies, but our volunteer deputy registrars were energized at meeting the future leaders of our city, county, state and country.”