Nourishing Bodies and Minds: 43 Ƭapp Schools to Provide Free Breakfast and Lunch to All Students

To help improve healthy food access, 43 Ƭapp campuses will adopt the for the 2018–19 school year.  

“By providing complimentary breakfast and lunch to all students at eligible schools, we are ensuring that every child the opportunity to come to class well-nourished and ready to learn,” said Ƭapp Nutrition & Food Services Director Anneliese Tanner. “CEP also reduces burdens for both families and school administrators by streamlining paperwork and administrative requirements.”

Schools qualifying to participate in the CEP provide breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge.

The following schools will be participating in CEP for the 2018-19 school year:

Pre-K and Early Childhood Centers: Dobie Pre-K and Uphaus ECC

Elementary Schools: Allison, Andrews, Barrington, Brooke, Brown, Campbell, Cook, Galindo, Govalle, Guerrero Thompson, Harris, Hart, Houston, Jordan, Langford, Linder, McBee, Metz, Norman & Sims, Oak Springs, Ortega, Overton, Padron, Pecan Springs, Perez, Pickle, Pleasant Hill, Rodriguez, Sanchez, Walnut Creek, Webb Primary, Widén, Winn, Wooldridge, Wooten and Zavala

Middle School: Martin, Mendez, Means Young Women’s Leadership Academy, Webb

CEP is a meal program offered through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. AISD is expanding this program to campuses with 62.25 percent of students directly certified for free meals. Directly certified students are those who qualify for free meal benefits without using a household application, such as those directly certified through SNAP or TANF.

While meal applications are not submitted at CEP campuses, an income verification form will be required for students who are not directly certified.

The information collected on the forms helps determine funding needs at each school and throughout AISD. By completing a meal benefits application, families can help ensure schools receive more of the funds they need to support all students.

For more information about free- or reduced-price meals, families may call at 512-414-0251.  


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